An official flag was formally adopted by Rotary International at the 1929
Convention in Dallas, Texas. The Rotary flag consists of a white field with the
official wheel emblem emblazoned in gold in the center of the field The four
depressed spaces on the rim of the Rotary wheel are colored royal blue. The
words "Rotary" and "International' printed at the top and bottom depressions on
the wheel rim are also gold. The shaft in the hub and the key way of the wheel
are white.
The first official Rotary flag reportedly was flown in Kansas City Missouri, in
January 1915. In 1922 a small Rotary flag was carried over the South Pole by
Admiral Richard Byrd, a member of the Winchester, Virginia Rotary Club. Four
years later, the admiral carried a Rotary flag in his expedition to the North
Some Rotary clubs use the official Rotary flag as a banner at club meetings. In
these instances it is appropriate to print the words "Rotary Club" above the
wheel symbol, and the name of the city, state or nation below the emblem.
The Rotary flag is always prominently displayed at the World Headquarters as
well as at all conventions and official events of Rotary International.
A wheel has been the symbol of Rotary since our earliest days. The first design
was made by Chicago Rotarian Montague Bear, an engraver who drew a simple wagon
wheel, with a few lines to show dust and motion. The wheel was said to
illustrate "Civilization and Movement." Most of the early clubs had some form of
wagon wheel on their publications and letterheads. Finally, in 1922, it was
decided that all Rotary clubs should adopt a single design as the exclusive
emblem of Rotarians. Thus, in 1923, the present gear wheel, with 24 cogs and six
spokes was adopted by the "Rotary International Association." A group of
engineers advised that the geared wheel was mechanically unsound and would not
work without a "keyway" in the center of the gear to attach it to a power shaft.
So, in 1923 the keyway was added and the design which we now know was formally
adopted as the official Rotary International emblem.
In some areas of the world weekly Rotary club meetings begin with all members
standing and reciting the Object of Rotary This statement, which comes from the
Constitution of Rotary, is frequently seen on a wall plaque in Rotarians'
offices or place of business.
The Object of Rotary is "to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis
of worthy enterprise." The statement then lists four areas by which this "ideal
of service" is fostered: "through the development of acquaintance as the
opportunity for service; the promotion of high ethical standards in business and
professions; through service in one's personal, business and community life; and
the advancement of international understanding, goodwill and peace."
The Object of Rotary has not always been expressed in this manner. The original
Constitution of 1906 had three objects: promotion of business interests,
promotion of good fellowship and the advancement of the best interests of the
community By 1910 Rotary had five Objects as increased emphasis was given to
expanding Rotary. By 1915 there were six Objects. In 1918 the Objects were
rewritten again and reduced to four. Four years later they had again grown to
six and were revised again in 1927.
Finally, at the 1935 Mexico City Convention the six Objects were restated and
reduced to four. The last major change came in 1951, when the "Objects" were
streamlined and changed to a single "Object" which is manifested in four
separate ways. The "ideal of service" is the key phrase in the Object of Rotary.
This ideal is an attitude of being a thoughtful and helpful person in all of
one's endeavors. That's what the Object truly means.
The first motto of Rotary International, “He Profits Most Who Serves Best," was
approved at the second Rotary Convention, held in Portland, Oregon, in August
1911. The phrase was first stated by a Chicago Rotarian, Art Sheldon, who made a
speech in 1910 which included the remark, "He profits most who serves his
fellows best." At about the same time, Ben Collins, president of the Rotary Club
of Minneapolis, Minnesota, commented that the proper way to organize a Rotary
club was through the principle his club had adopted-"Service, Not Self." These
two slogans, slightly modified, were formally approved to be the official
mottoes of Rotary at the 1950 Convention in Detroit- "He Profits Most Who Serves
Best" and "Service Above Self." The 1989 Council on Legislation established
"Service Above Self" as the principal motto of Rotary, since it best explains
the philosophy of unselfish volunteer service.
One of the most widely printed and quoted statements of business ethics in the
world is the Rotary "4-Way Test." It was created by Rotarian Herbert J. Taylor
in 1932 when he was asked to take charge of the Chicago based Club Aluminum
Company, which was facing bankruptcy. Taylor looked for a way to save the
struggling company mired in depression-caused financial difficulties. He drew up
a 24-word code of ethics for all employees to follow in their business and
professional lives. The 4-Way Test became the guide for sales, production,
advertising and all relations with dealers and customers, and the survival of
the company was credited to this simple philosophy.
Herb Taylor became president of Rotary International during 1954-55. The 4-Way
Test was adopted by Rotary in 1943 and has been translated into more than 100
languages and published in thousands of ways. The message should be known and
followed by all Rotarians.
"Of the things we think, say or do:
1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?"
From the earliest days of Rotary, members have referred to each other on a
first-name basis. Since personal acquaintanceship and friendship are
cornerstones of Rotary, it was natural that many clubs adopted the practice of
setting aside formal titles in conversations among members. Individuals who
normally would be addressed as Doctor, Professor, Mister, the Honorable or Sir
are regularly called Joe, Bill, Charley or Jerry by other Rotarians. The
characteristic Rotary club name badge fosters the first-name custom.
In a few areas, such as Europe, club members use a more formal style in
addressing fellow members. In other parts of the world, mainly in Asian
countries, the practice is to assign each new Rotarian a humorous nickname which
relates to some personal characteristic or which is descriptive of the member's
business or profession. A member nicknamed "Oxygen" is the manufacturer of
chemical gas products. "Trees" is the nickname for the Rotarian in the lumber
business, "Building" is the contractor, "Paper" is the stationery or office
supply retailer. Other members might carry nicknames like "Muscles," "Foghorn"
or "Smiles" as commentaries on their physical features.
The nicknames are frequently a source of good-natured fun and fellowship. But
whether a Rotarian is addressed by a given first name or a nickname, the spirit
of personal friendship is the initial step which opens doors to all other
opportunities for service.
The term "Four Avenues of Service" is frequently used in Rotary literature and
information. The "Avenues" refer to the four elements of the Object of Rotary:
Club Service, Vocational Service, Community Service and International Service.
Although the Avenues of Service are not found in any formal part of the
constitutional documents of Rotary, the concept has been accepted as a means to
describe the primary areas of Rotary activity.
• "Club Service" involves all of the activities necessary for Rotarians to
perform to make their club function successfully.
• "Vocational Service" is a description of the opportunity each Rotarian has to
represent the dignity and utility of one's vocation to the other members of the
• "Community Service" pertains to those activities which Rotarians undertake to
improve the quality of life in their community. It frequently involves
assistance to youth, the aged, handicapped and others who look to Rotary as a
source of hope for a better life.
• The Fourth Avenue, "International Service," describes the many programs and
activities which Rotarians undertake to advance international understanding,
goodwill and peace. International Service projects are designed to meet
humanitarian needs of people in many lands.
When a Rotarian understands and travels down the "Four Avenues of Service," the
Object of Rotary takes on even greater meaning.
As an international organization, Rotary offers each member unique opportunities
and responsibilities. Although each Rotarian has first responsibility to uphold
the obligations of citizenship of his or her own country, membership in Rotary
enables Rotarians to take a somewhat different view of international affairs. In
the early 1950s a Rotary philosophy was adopted to describe how a Rotarian may
think on a global basis. Here is what it said:
"A world-minded Rotarian:
• looks beyond national patriotism and considers himself as sharing
responsibility for the advancement of international understanding, goodwill and
• resists any tendency to act in terms of national or racial superiority;
• seeks and develops common grounds for agreement with peoples of other lands;
• defends the rule of law and order to preserve the liberty of the individual so
that he may enjoy freedom of thought, speech and assembly, and freedom from
persecution, aggression, want and fear;
• supports action directed toward improving standards of living for all peoples,
realizing that poverty anywhere endangers prosperity everywhere;
• upholds the principles of justice for mankind;
• strives always to promote peace between nations and prepares to make personal
sacrifices for that ideal;
• urges and practices a spirit of understanding of every other man's beliefs as
a step toward international goodwill, recognizing that there are certain basic
moral and spiritual standards which will ensure a richer, fuller life."
That is quite an assignment for any Rotarian to practice in thoughts and
The bylaws of Rotary clearly outline the procedure for a prospective member to
be proposed for Rotary club membership. The "proposer" is the key person in the
growth and advancement of Rotary. Without a sponsor, an individual will never
have the opportunity to become a Rotarian.
The task of the proposer should not end merely by submitting a name to the club
secretary or membership committee. Rotary has not established formal
responsibilities for proposers or sponsors, however, by custom and tradition
these procedures are recommended in many clubs. The sponsor should:
1. Invite a prospective member to several meetings prior to proposing the
individual for membership.
2. Accompany the prospective new member to one or more orientation/informational
3. Introduce the new member to other club members each week for the first month.
4. Invite the new member to accompany the sponsor to neighboring clubs for the
first make-up meeting to learn the process and observe the spirit of fellowship.
5. Ask the new member and spouse to accompany the sponsor to the club's social
activities, dinners or other special occasions.
6. Urge the new member and spouse to attend the district conference with the
7. Serve as a special friend to assure that the new member becomes an active
When the proposer follows these guidelines, Rotary becomes stronger with each
new member.
Until 1989, the Constitution and Bylaws of Rotary International stated that
Rotary club membership was for males only. In 1978 the Rotary Club of Duarte,
California, invited three women to become members. The RI board withdrew the
charter of that club for violation of the RI Constitution. The club brought suit
against RI claiming a violation of a state civil rights law which prevents
discrimination of any form in business establishments or public accommodations.
The appeals court and the California Supreme Court supported the Duarte position
that Rotary could not remove the club's charter merely for inducting women into
the club. The United States Supreme Court upheld the California court indicating
that Rotary clubs do have a "business purpose" and are in some ways public-type
organizations. This action in 1987 allowed women to become Rotarians in any
jurisdiction having similar "public accommodation" statutes.
The RI constitutional change was made at the 1989 Council on Legislation, with a
vote to eliminate the "male only" provision for all of Rotary.
The month of February is very special in the Rotary calendar since it is
designated World Understanding Month. The month also includes the anniversary of
the first meeting of Rotary held on February 23, 1905, now designated World
Understanding and Peace Day.
In designating World Understanding Month, the Rotary International board asks
all Rotary clubs to plan programs for their weekly meeting and undertake special
activities to emphasize "understanding and goodwill as essential for world
To observe this designated month, many clubs arrange international speakers,
invite youth exchange students and international scholars from schools and
universities to club meetings, plan programs featuring former Group Study
Exchange team members, arrange discussions on international issues, present
entertainment with an international cultural or artistic them and schedule other
programs with an international emphasis.
Many clubs take the opportunity to launch an international community service
activity or make contact with a Rotary club in another country is a good month
to initiate a Rotary Fellowship Exchange, a 3-H project o encourage support for
PolioPlus and other Rotary Foundation programs.
World Understanding Month is a chance for every club to pause, plan and promote
the Fourth Avenue of Service-Rotary's continued quest for goodwill, peace and
understanding among people of the world.
Virtually all membership in Rotary was based upon a "classification." Basically
a classification describes the distinct and recognized business or professional
service which the Rotarian renders to society.
The principle of Rotary classification is somewhat more specific and precise. In
determining the classification of a Rotarian it is necessary to look at the
"principal or recognized business or professional activity of the firm, company
or institution" with which an active member is connected or "that which covers
his principal and recognized business or professional activity." It should be
clearly understood that classifications are determined by activities or services
to society rather than by the position held by a particular individual. In other
words, if a person is the president of a bank, he or she is not classified as
"bank president" but under the classification "banking."
It is the principal and recognized activity of a business or professional
establishment or the individual's principal and recognized business or
professional activity that determines the classification to be established and
loaned to a qualified person. For example, the permanently employed electrical
engineer, insurance adjuster, or business manager of a railroad company, mining
company, manufacturing concern, hospital, clinic, etc., may be considered for
membership as a representative of the particular work he or she may be doing
personally or as a representative of the firm, company, or institution for which
the professional service is being done.
The classification principle also permits business and industries to be
separated into distinct functions such as manufacturing, distributing, retailing
and servicing. Classifications may also be specified as distinct and independent
divisions of a large corporation or university within the club's territory, such
as a school of business or a school of engineering.
Though the classification principle is not as dominant as it once was it is
still important that we make an effort to assure that each Rotary club
represents a cross section of the business and professional service of the
One of the colorful traditions of many Rotary clubs is the exchange of small
banners, flags or pennants. Rotarians traveling to distant locations often take
banners to exchange at "make up" meetings as a token of friendship. Many clubs
use the decorative banners they have received for attractive displays at club
meetings and district events.
The Rotary International board recognized the growing popularity of the banner
exchange back in 1959 and suggested that those clubs which participate in such
exchanges give careful thought to the design of their banners in order that they
be distinctive and expressive of the community and country of which the club is
a part. It is recommended that banners include pictures, slogans or designs
which portray the territorial area of the club.
The board was also mindful of the financial burden such exchange may impose upon
some clubs, especially in popular areas where many visitors make up and request
to exchange. In all instances, clubs are cautioned to exercise discretion and
moderation in the exchange of banners in order that the financial obligations do
not interfere with the basic service activities of the club.
Exchanging club banners is a very pleasant custom, especially when a creative
and artistic banner tells an interesting story of community pride. The exchange
of banners is a significant tradition of Rotary and serves as tangible symbol of
our international fellowship.
Are you aware of the responsibility or obligation most Rotarians fail to
perform? Paying their dues? Attending meetings? Contributing to the club service
fund? Participating in club events and projects? No-none of these!
Of all the obligations a person accepts when joining a Rotary club the one in
which most Rotarians fail is "sharing Rotary." The policies of Rotary
International clearly affirm that every individual Rotarian has an "obligation
to share Rotary with others and to help extend Rotary through proposing
qualified persons for Rotary club membership." It is estimated that less than 30
percent of the members of most Rotary clubs have ever made the effort to propose
a new member. Thus, in every club, there are many Rotarians who readily accept
the pleasures of being a Rotarian without ever sharing that privilege with
another qualified individual.
The Rotary policy on club membership states: "In order for a Rotary club to be
fully relevant to its community and responsive to the needs of those in the
community, it is important and necessary that the club include in its membership
all fully qualified prospective members located within its territory" One merely
has to glance through the yellow pages of the local telephone directory to
realize that most clubs have not invited qualified members of all businesses and
professions into Rotary
Only a Rotarian may propose a customer, neighbor, client, supplier, executive,
relative, business associate, professional or other qualified person to join a
Rotary club. Have you accepted your obligation to share Rotary? The procedures
are very simple, and everyone must know at least one person who should belong to
Occasionally there is a temptation to criticize the laws, customs and traditions
of another country which may seem strange or contrary to our own. In some
instances illegal practices or customs of one nation are completely lawful and
acceptable in another.
As members of an international organization dedicated to world understanding and
peace, it behooves Rotarians to exercise restraint in judging our Rotary friends
and citizens from other countries when their behavior seems unusual to us. A
Rotary policy has existed for more than half a century relating to this dilemma
of international relationships.
The statement, adopted in 1933, says that because it is recognized that some
activities and local customs may be legal and customary in some countries and
not in others, Rotarians should be guided by this admonition of tolerance:
"Rotarians in all countries should recognize these facts and there should be a
thoughtful avoidance of criticism of the laws and customs of one country by the
Rotarians of another country." The policy also cautions against "any effort on
the part of Rotarians of one country to interfere with the laws or customs of
another country."
As we strive to strengthen the bonds of understanding, goodwill and friendship,
these policies still provide good advice and guidance.
Vocational Service is the "Second Avenue of Service." No aspect of Rotary is
more closely related to each member than a personal commitment to represent
one's vocation or occupation to fellow Rotarians and to exemplify the
characteristics of high ethical standards and the dignity of work. Programs of
vocational service are those which seek to improve business relations while
improving the quality of trades, industry, commerce and the professions.
Rotarians understand that each person makes a valuable contribution to a better
society through daily activities in a business or profession.
Vocational Service is frequently demonstrated by offering young people career
guidance, occupational information and assistance in making vocational choices.
Some clubs sponsor high school career conferences. Many recognize the dignity of
employment by honoring exemplary service of individuals working in their
communities. The 4 -Way Test and other ethical and laudable business
philosophies are often promoted among young people entering the world of work.
Vocational talks and discussion of business issues are also typical vocational
service programs at most clubs.
Regardless of the ways that Vocational Service is expressed, it is the banner by
which Rotarians "recognize the worthiness of all useful occupations" and
demonstrate a commitment to "high ethical standards in all businesses and
professions." That's why the Second Avenue of Service is fundamental to every
Rotary club.
In many Rotary clubs throughout the world, wives of male members are
affectionately called "Rotary Anns". This designation was never one of
disparagement, but rather grew out of an interesting historical occasion.
The year was 1914 when San Francisco Rotarians boarded a special train to attend
the Rotary convention being held in Houston. In those days few wives attended
Rotary events, and until the train stopped in Los Angeles, the only woman aboard
was the wife of Rotarian Bru Brunnier. As the train picked up additional
convention-bound delegates, Mrs. Ann Brunnier was introduced as the Rotarian's
Ann. This title soon became "Rotary Ann." Since the clubs of the West were
inviting the Rotarians to hold their next convention in San Francisco, a number
of songs and stunts were organized which would be performed in Houston. One of
the Rotarians wrote a "Rotary Ann" chant. On the train's arrival at the Houston
depot, a delegation greeted the West Coast Rotarians. One of the greeters was
Guy Gundaker of Philadelphia, whose wife was also named Ann. During the rousing
demonstration, someone started the Rotary Ann chant. The two petite ladies, Ann
Brunnier and Ann Gundaker, were hoisted to the men's shoulders and paraded about
the hall. The group loved the title given to the two women named Ann.
Immediately the same term of endearment was used for all of the wives in
attendance, and the name "Rotary Ann" was here to stay. Guy Gundaker became
president of Rotary International in 1923 and Bru Brunnier was elected president
in 1952. Thus, each of the two original Rotary Anns became the "first ladies of
Rotary International."
Very few clubs have Rotary Anns, but many have Partners organizations, some are
stilled called “Inner Wheel.” The word Rotary Ann can be heard on a rare
occasion, and now you know where it came from.
The world's first service club, the Rotary Club of Chicago, Illinois, USA, was
formed on 23 February 1905 by Paul P. Harris, an attorney who wished to
recapture in a professional club the same friendly spirit he had felt in the
small towns of his youth. The name "Rotary" derived from the early practice of
rotating meetings among members' offices.
Rotary's popularity spread throughout the United States in the decade that
followed; clubs were chartered from San Francisco to New York. By 1921, Rotary
clubs had been formed on six continents, and the organization adopted the name
Rotary International a year later.
As Rotary grew, its mission expanded beyond serving the professional and social
interests of club members. Rotarians began pooling their resources and
contributing their talents to help serve communities in need. The organization's
dedication to this ideal is best expressed in its principal motto: Service Above
Self. Rotary also later embraced a code of ethics, called The 4-Way Test, that
has been translated into hundreds of languages.
In many Rotary clubs, particularly in Judeo-Christian nations, it is customary
to open weekly meetings with an appropriate invocation or blessing. Usually such
invocations are offered without reference to specific religious denominations or
Rotary policy recognizes that throughout the world Rotarians represent many
religious beliefs, ideas and creeds. The religious beliefs of each member are
fully respected, and nothing in Rotary is intended to prevent each individual
from being faithful to such convictions.
At international assemblies and conventions, it is traditional for a silent
invocation to be given. In respect for all religious beliefs and in the spirit
of tolerance for a wide variety of personal faiths, all persons are invited to
seek divine guidance and peace "each in his own way." It is an inspiring
experience to join with thousands of Rotarians in an international "silent
prayer" or act of personal devotion. Usually all Rotary International board and
committee meetings begin with a few moments of silent meditation. In this period
of silence, Rotary demonstrates respect for the beliefs of all members who
represent the religions of the world.
Since each Rotary club is autonomous, the practice of presenting a prayer or
invocation at club meetings is left entirely to the traditions and customs of
the individual club, with the understanding that these meeting rituals always be
conducted in a manner which will respect the religious convictions and faiths of
all members and visitors.
Most Rotarians are successful professional and business executives because they
hear opportunities knock and take advantage of them. Once a week the opportunity
for Rotary fellowship occurs at each club meeting, but not all members hear it
The weekly club meeting is a special privilege of Rotary membership. It provides
the occasion to visit with fellow members, to meet visitors you have not known
before, and to share your personal friendship with other members.
Rotary clubs which have a reputation of being "friendly clubs" usually follow a
few simple steps: First, members are encouraged to sit in a different seat or at
a different table each week. Second, Rotarians are urged to sit with a member
they may not know as well as their long-time personal friends. Third, members
invite new members or visitors to join their table just by saying: "Come join
us, we have an empty chair at this table."
Fourth, members share the conversation around the table rather than merely
eating in silence or talking privately to the person next to them. Fifth,
Rotarians make a special point of trying to get acquainted with all members of
the club by seeking out those they may not know.
When Rotarians follow these five easy steps, an entirely new oppor1tunity for
fellowship knocks each week. Soon Rotarians realize that warm and personal
friendship is the cornerstone of every great Rotary club.
"Honorary" is one of the two types of membership a person may have in a Rotary
club. This type of membership is the highest distinction a Rotary club can
confer and is exercised only in exceptional cases to recognize an individual for
unusual service and contributions to Rotary and society. Honorary members cannot
propose new members to the club, do not hold office and are exempt from
attendance requirements and club dues.
Many distinguished heads of state, explorers, authors, musicians, astronauts and
other public personalities have been honorary members of Rotary clubs, including
King Gustaf of Sweden, King George VI of England, King Badouin of Belgium, King
Hassan III of Morocco, Sir Winston Churchill, humanitarian Albert Schweitzer,
Charles Lindbergh, composer Jean Sibelius, explorer Sir Edmund Hillary, Thor
Heyerdahl, Thomas Edison, Walt Disney, Bob Hope, Dr. Albert Sabin, British Prime
Minister Margaret Thatcher and many of the presidents of the United States.
Truly, those selected for honorary membership are those who have done much to
further the ideals of Rotary.
The Rotary district governor performs a very significant function in the world
of Rotary He or she is the single officer of Rotary International in the
geographic area called a Rotary district, which usually includes about 45 Rotary
clubs. The district governors, who have been extensively trained at the
worldwide International Assembly, provide the "quality control" for the 27,000
Rotary clubs of the world. They are responsible for maintaining high performance
within the clubs of their district.
The district governor, who must make an official visit to each club in the
district, is never regarded as an "inspector general." Rather, he or she visits
as a helpful and friendly adviser to the club officers, as a useful counselor to
further the Object of Rotary among the clubs of the district, and as a catalyst
to help strengthen the programs of Rotary
The district governor is a very experienced Rotarian who generously devotes a
year to the volunteer task of leadership. The governor has a wealth of knowledge
about current Rotary programs, purposes, policies and goals and is a person of
recognized high standing in his or her profession, community and Rotary club.
The governor must supervise the organization of new clubs and strengthen
existing ones. He or she performs a host of specific duties to assure that the
quality of Rotary does not falter in the district, and is responsible to promote
and implement all programs and activities of the Rotary International president
and the RI Board of Directors. The governor plans and directs a district
conference and other special events.
In view of the annual turnover of Rotary leadership each year, special effort is
required to provide the 27,000 club leaders with appropriate instruction for the
tasks they will assume. The annual district assembly is the major leadership
training event in each Rotary district of the world.
The district assembly offers motivation, inspiration, Rotary information and new
ideas for club officers, directors and key committee chairmen of each club. Some
of the most experienced district leaders conduct informative discussions on all
phases of Rotary administration and service projects. The assembly gives all
participants valuable new ideas to make their club more effective and
interesting. Usually eight to ten delegates from each club are invited to attend
the training session.
Another important feature of a district assembly is a review by the incoming
district governor of the program theme and emphasis of the new RI president for
the coming year. District goals and objects are also described and plans are
developed for their implementation.
The success of each Rotary club is frequently determined by the club's full
representation and participation in the annual district assembly.
Most Rotarians have never attended a Rotary district conference. They have not
experienced one of the most enjoyable and rewarding privileges of Rotary
A district conference is for all club members and their spouses, not just for
club officers and committee members. The purpose of a district conference is for
fellowship, good fun, inspirational speakers and discussion of matters which
make one's Rotary membership more meaningful. Every person who attends a
district conference finds that being a Rotarian becomes even more rewarding
because of the new experiences, insights and acquaintances developed at the
conference. Those who attend a conference enjoy going back, year after year.
Every one of Rotary's more than 500 districts has a conference annually. These
meetings are considered so important that the Rotary International president
selects a knowledgeable Rotarian as his personal representative to attend and
address each conference. The program always includes several outstanding
entertainment features, interesting discussions and inspirational programs.
One of the unexpected benefits of attending a district conference is the
opportunity to become better acquainted with members of one's own club in an
informal setting. Lasting friendships grow from the fellowship hours at the
district conference.
Rotary Youth Exchange is one of Rotary's most popular programs to promote
international understanding and develop lifelong friendships. It began in 1927
with the Rotary Club of Nice, France. In 1939 an extensive Youth Exchange was
created between California and Latin America. Since then the program has
expanded around the world. In recent years more than 7,000 young people have
participated annually in Rotary-sponsored exchange programs.
The values of Youth Exchange are experienced not only by the high school-age
students involved but also by the host families, sponsoring clubs, receiving
high schools and the entire community Youth Exchange participants usually
provide their fellow students in their host schools with excellent opportunities
to learn about customs, languages, traditions and family life in another
country. Youth Exchange offers young people interesting opportunities and rich
experiences to see another part of the world. Students usually spend a full
academic year abroad, although some clubs and districts sponsor short term
exchanges of several weeks or months.
Approximately 36 percent of Rotary Youth Exchange students are hosted or sent by
the clubs in the United States and Canada. European countries account for about
40 percent, and 12 percent come from Australia and New Zealand. Asian clubs
sponsor 5 percent, and 7 percent come from Latin American countries. Over 70
percent of all Rotary districts participate in Youth Exchange activities.
Youth Exchange is a highly recommended program for all Rotary clubs as a
practical activity for the enhancement of international understanding and
In much of the official literature of Rotary International relating to service
to young people, a special slogan will be found -"Every Rotarian an Example to
Youth." These words were adopted in 1949 by the Rotary International Board of
Directors as an expression of commitment to children and youth in each community
in which Rotary clubs exist. Serving young people has long been an important
part of the Rotary program.
Youth service projects take many forms around the world. Rotarians sponsor Boy
Scout and Girl Scout troops, athletic teams, handicapped children's centers,
school safety patrols, summer camps, recreation areas, safe driving clinics,
county fairs, child care centers and children's hospitals. Many clubs provide
vocational counseling, establish youth employment program and promote use of The
4 -Way Test. Increasingly, drug and alcohol abuse prevention projects are being
supported by Rotarians.
In every instance, Rotarians have an opportunity to be role model for the young
men and women of their community. One learns to serve by observing others. As
our youth grow to become adult leaders, it is hoped each will achieve that same
desire and spirit to serve future generations of children and youth.
The slogan accepted over 40 years ago is just as vital today. It is a very
thoughtful challenge, "Every Rotarian an Example to Youth."
World Community Service is the Rotary program by which a club or district in one
country provides humanitarian assistance to a club in another country. Typically
the aid goes to a developing community where the Rotary project will help raise
the standard of living and the quality of life. The ultimate object of World
Community Service is to build goodwill and understanding among peoples of the
One important way to find a club in some other part of the world which needs
help on a worthy project is to use the WCS Projects Exchange, a list of dozens
of worthy activities in developing areas. The exchange list is maintained in the
RI Secretariat in Evanston and is readily available upon request. It outlines
projects, provides estimated costs and gives names of the appropriate contacts.
Clubs which need assistance, or are seeking another club to help with a
humanitarian project, such as building a clinic, school, hospital, community
water well, library or other beneficial activity, may register their needs.
Clubs seeking a desirable World Community Service project may easily review the
list of needs registered in the Projects Exchange. Thus, the exchange provides a
practical way to link needs with resources.
Every Rotary club is urged to undertake a new World Community Service project
each year. The WCS Projects Exchange list is an excellent tool to find a real
need, a project description and cooperating club in a developing area. The job
then is to "go to work" to complete the project, and at the same time build
bridges of friendship and world understanding.
It has been estimated that a billion people -- one-fourth of the world's
population -- are unable to read. Illiteracy of adults and children is global
is a concern in both highly industrialized nations and in developing countries. The
number of adult illiterates in the world is increasing by 25 million each year!
In the United States, one quarter of the entire population is considered
functionally illiterate.
The tragedy of illiteracy is that those who cannot read lose personal independence
and become victims of unscrupulous manipulation, poverty and the loss of human
feelings which give meaning to life. Illiteracy is demeaning. It is a major
obstacle for economic, political, social and person development. Illiteracy is a
barrier to international understanding, cooperation and peace in the world.
Literacy education was considered a program priority by Rotary's original Health,
Hunger and Humanity Committee in 1978. An early 3-H grant led to the preparation
of an excellent source book on the issues of literacy in the world. The
Rotary-sponsored publication, The Right to Read, was edited by Rotarian Eve
Malmquist, a past district governor from Linkoping, Sweden, and a recognized
authority on reading and educational research. The book was the forerunner of a
major Rotary program emphasis on literacy promotion.
In 1985 the RI Planning and Research Committee proposed, and the RI board
approved, that the Rotary clubs of the world conduct a ten-year emphasis on
literacy education. Many Rotary clubs are thoughtfully surveying the needs of
their community for literacy training. Some clubs provide basic books for
teaching reading. Others establish and support reading and language clinics,
provide volunteer tutorial assistance and purchase reading materials. Rotarians
can play a vitally important part in their community and in developing countries
by promoting projects to open opportunities which come from the ability to read.
One current area of special emphasis for Rotary clubs focuses on providing "new
opportunities for the aging." In 1990, the RI Board of Directors urged Rotarians
to identify new projects serving the elderly that emphasize intergenerational
activities and the integration of seniors into society and the workplace. The
following year, the board called for an approach that stressed service "with"
the elderly as well as "for" them.
With the substantial upswing in the worldwide population of older persons, their
needs for special attention have greatly multiplied. As citizen grow older, it
becomes increasingly important for them to retain their personal independence
and to remain in control of their own lives to the extent this is possible.
Many Rotary clubs are seeking ways to serve the older persons of their community
who face problems of deteriorating health, loneliness, poor nutrition,
transportation difficulties, inability to do customary chores, loss of family
associations, reduced recreational opportunities, inadequate housing and limited
information about available social agencies for emergency assistance. Some clubs
have initiated a valuable community service to assist older persons in
retirement planning and adjustment by organizing and sharing the wealth of
information available within the club's membership. Other clubs have developed
foster grandparent programs and other intergenerational activities that allow
seniors to use their experience and knowledge to help young people. Rotarians
often can provide services which seniors can no longer do for themselves.
The greatest need of aging individuals is frequently a mere expression of real
caring and concern by thoughtful friends. All Rotarians should seriously
consider how they and their clubs may actively participate in programs for the
aging. It is one area of community service in which there is a growing
possibility that each of us may some day be on the receiving end.
Each May or June, Rotary International holds a worldwide convention "to
stimulate, inspire and inform all Rotarians at an international level." The
convention, which may not be held in the same country for more than two
consecutive years, is the annual meeting to conduct the business of the
association. The planning process usually begins about four or five years in
The RI board determines a general location and invites cities to make proposals.
The conventions are truly international events which 20,000 to 40,000 Rotarians
and guests attend. All members should plan to participate in a Rotary
International convention to discover the real internationality of Rotary. It is
an experience you'll never forget.
From stamp collecting to wine appreciation, the hobbies of Rotarians are as
diverse as the membership itself. Yet, among the more than one million Rotarians
worldwide, an amateur-radio enthusiast or a chess player is bound to find others
who share the same passions. But Recreational Fellowship members share more than
just their common interest in sport diving or Esperanto; they share an interest
in fellowship and service and in promoting world understanding. As such, it's no
wonder that the International Skiing Fellowship of Rotarians donates the profits
from ski events to The Rotary Foundation or that the Flying Rotarians help ferry
medical personnel and supplies.
One has only to look at the types of Vocational Fellowships to recognize how
they differ from their recreational counterparts. With Rotarians united by their
shared professional interest in such fields as Hospital Administration and
Finance/Banking, it's obvious that Vocational Service is as important a concern
as international fellowship to the members of these groups. Members exchange
technical information and seek opportunities to employ their expertise in
service not just to their own communities and countries, but to their
professions as well. For example, the Ophthalmology International Vocational
Fellowship organized a professional seminar on the subject of eye surgery in
developing countries.
An interesting Rotary program of fellowship is the Rotary Friendship Exchange.
This activity, originally recommended by the New Horizons Committee in 1981, is
intended to encourage Rotarians and spouses to visit with Rotarian families in
other parts of the world. It may be conducted on a club-to-club or
district-to-district basis.
The idea is for several Rotarian couples to travel to another country on the
Rotary Friendship Exchange. Later the hospitality is reversed when the visit is
exchanged. After a successful pilot experiment, the Rotary Friendship Exchange
has become a permanent program of Rotary.
The Rotary Friendship Exchange is frequently compared to the Group Study
Exchange program of The Rotary Foundation, except that it involves Rotarian
couples who personally pay for all expenses of their inter-country experience.
Doors of friendship are opened in a way which could not be duplicated except in
Rotarians seeking an unusual vacation and fellowship experience should learn
more about the Rotary Friendship Exchange. Some unusual Rotary adventures are
awaiting you!
Each summer thousands of young people are selected to attend Rotary-sponsored
leadership camps or seminars in the United States, Australia, Canada, India,
France, Argentina, Korea and numerous other countries. In an informal
out-of-doors atmosphere, 50 to 75 outstanding young men and/or women spend a
week in a challenging program of discussions, inspirational addresses,
leadership training and social activities designed to enhance personal
development, leadership skills and good citizenship. The official name of this
activity is the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards program (RYLA), although the
event is occasionally referred to as Camp Royal, Camp Enterprise, Youth Leaders
Seminars, Youth Conferences or other terms.
The RYLA program began in Australia in 1959, when young people throughout the
state of Queensland were selected to meet with Princess Alexandra, the young
cousin of Queen Elizabeth II. The Rotarians of Brisbane, who hosted the
participants, were impressed with the quality of the young leaders. It was
decided to bring youth leaders together each year for a week of social, cultural
and educational activities. The RYLA program gradually grew throughout all the
Rotary districts of Australia and New Zealand. In 1971, the RI Board of
Directors adopted RYLA as an official program of Rotary International.
During and after World War II, Rotarians became increasingly involved in
promoting international understanding. In 1945, 49 Rotary members served in 29
delegations to the United Nations Charter Conference. Rotary still actively
participates in UN conferences by sending observers to major meetings and
promoting the United Nations in Rotary publications. Rotary International's
relationship with the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural
Organization (UNESCO) dates back to a 1943 London Rotary conference that
promoted international cultural and educational exchanges. Attended by ministers
of education and observers from around the world, and chaired by a past
president of RI, the conference was an impetus to the establishment of UNESCO in
Interact, the Rotary youth program, was launched by the RI Board of Directors in
1962. The first Interact club was established by the Rotary Club of Melbourne,
Florida. Interact clubs provide opportunities for boys and girls of secondary
school age to work together in a world fellowship of service and international
understanding. The term, Interact, is derived from "inter" for international,
and "act" for action. Every Interact club must be sponsored and supervised by a
Rotary club and must plan annual projects of service to its school, community
and in the world.
Today there are over 7,200 Interact clubs with more than 155,000 members in 88
countries. "Interactors" develop skills in leadership and attain practical
experience in conducting service projects, thereby learning the satisfaction
that comes from serving others. A major goal of Interact is to provide
opportunities for young people to create greater understanding and goodwill with
youth throughout the world.
After the success of Interact clubs for high school-age youth in the early
1960s, the RI board created Rotaract in 1968. The new organization was designed
to promote responsible citizenship and leadership potential in clubs of young
men and women, aged 18 to 30. The first Rotaract club was chartered by the
Charlotte North Rotary Club in Charlotte, North Carolina. In 1994 there were
more than 149,000 members in more than 6,500 Rotaract clubs in 107 countries.
Rotaract clubs emphasize the importance of individual responsibility as the
basis of personal success and community involvement. Each club sponsors an
annual project to promote high ethical standards in one's business and
professional life. Rotaract also provides opportunities leading to greater
international understanding and goodwill. Rotaractors enjoy many social
activities as well as programs to improve their community. A Rotaract club can
exist only when continuously sponsored, guided and counseled by a Rotary club.
The programs of Rotaract are built around the motto "Fellowship Through
The Rotary International float in the annual Tournament of Roses Parade is
undoubtedly the largest public relations project of the Rotary clubs of the
United States and Canada. Since 1924 a Rotary float has been entered 18 times
including every year since 1981. The famous Pasadena, California, parade is seen
by an estimated 125 million people via worldwide television.
Funds for the construction of the Rotary parade entry are voluntarily given by
Rotarians and clubs in the U.S. and Canada. The cost of designing, constructing
and flower covering a Rose Parade float begins at about $120,000.
A multi-district Rotary committee in Southern California coordinates planning of
the Rotary float and provides hundreds of volunteer hours of service. The Rotary
float must portray the annual parade theme, usually depicting one of the
worldwide service programs of Rotary International.
Each New Year's Day, Rotarians take pride in seeing their attractive float and
realize they have shared in its construction by contributing a dollar or two to
this beautiful public relations project.
Some magnificent projects grow from very small seeds. The Rotary Foundation had
that sort of modest beginning.
In 1917 RI President Arch Klumph told the delegates to the Atlanta Convention
that "it seems eminently proper that we should accept endowments for the purpose
of doing good in the world." The response was polite and favorable, but the fund
was slow to materialize. A year later the "Rotary Endowment Fund," as it was
first labeled, received its first contribution of $26.50 from the Rotary Club of
Kansas City, which was the balance of the Kansas City Convention account
following the 1918 annual meeting. Additional small amounts were annually
contributed, but after six years it is reported that the endowment fund had only
reached $700. A decade later, The Rotary Foundation was formally established at
the 1928 Minneapolis Convention. In the next four years the Foundation fund grew
to $50,000. In 1937 a $2 million goal was announced for The Rotary Foundation,
but these plans were cut short and abandoned with the outbreak of World War II.
In 1947, upon the death of Paul Harris, a new era opened for the Rotary
Foundation as memorial gifts poured in to honor the founder of Rotary. From that
time, The Rotary Foundation has been achieving its noble objective of furthering
"understanding and friendly relations between peoples of different nations." By
1954 the Foundation received for the first time a half million dollars in
contributions in a single year, and in 1965 a million dollars was received.
It is staggering to imagine that from those humble beginnings, The Rotary
Foundation is now receiving more than $85 million each year for educational and
humanitarian work around the world.
The Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholarships Program is the world's largest
privately funded international scholarships program. In 1947, 18 "Rotary
Fellows" from 11 countries were selected to serve as ambassadors of goodwill
while studying in another country for one academic year. Since that time,
approximately $242 million has been expended on some 25,000 scholarships for
people from more than 125 countries, studying in 105 countries around the world.
The purpose of the Scholarships Program is to further international
understanding and friendly relations among people of different countries.
Scholars are expected to be outstanding ambassadors of goodwill to the people of
the host country through both informal and formal appearances before Rotary and
non-Rotary groups.
Beginning with the 1994-95 program year, The Rotary Foundation offers two new
types of scholarships in addition to the Academic-Year Ambassadorial Scholarship
offered since 1947. The Multi-Year Ambassadorial Scholarship is awarded for two
or three years of specific degree-oriented study abroad. The Cultural
Ambassadorial Scholarship provides three or six months of funding for intensive
language study and cultural immersion in a language other than their native
Rotarians know that Rotary Foundation scholarships are very worthwhile
investments in the future and one important step in seeking greater
understanding and goodwill in the world.
One of the most popular and rewarding programs of The Rotary Foundation is the
Group Study Exchange. Since the first exchange between districts in California
and Japan in 1965, the program has provided educational experiences for about
25,000 business and professional men and women who have served on about 5,500
teams. The GSE program pairs Rotary districts to send and receive study teams.
Since 1965, more than $42 million has been allocated by The Rotary Foundation
for Group Study Exchange grants.
One of the attractive features of GSE is the opportunity for the visiting team
members to meet, talk and live with Rotarians and their families in a warm
spirit of friendship and hospitality. Although the original Group Study
Exchanges were male only, in recent years teams include both men and women.
In addition to learning about another country as the team visits farms, schools,
industrial plants, professional offices and governmental establishments the GSE
teams serve as ambassadors of goodwill. They interpret their home nation to host
Rotarians and others in the communities in which they visit. Many of the
personal contacts blossom into lasting friendships.
Truly, the Group Study Exchange program has provided Rotarians with one of its
most enjoyable, practical and meaningful ways to promote world understanding.
In 1978, Rotary launched its most comprehensive humanitarian service activity
with the Health, Hunger and Humanity Program. The 3-H Program is designed to
undertake large-scale service projects beyond the capacity of individual Rotary
clubs or groups of clubs.
By 1994, more than 135 different 3-H projects have been approved and undertaken
in 49 different countries, with an appropriation at more than $37 million. The
objective of these projects is to improve health, alleviate hunger and enhance
human, cultural and social development among peoples of the world. The ultimate
goal is to advance international understanding, goodwill and peace.
The first 3-H project was the immunization of 6 million children in the
Philippines against polio. As 3-H progressed, new programs were added to help
people in developing areas of the world. Now, in addition to the mass polio
immunization of over 100 million children in various countries, 3-H has promoted
nutrition programs, vocational education, and improved irrigation to increase
food production, polio victim rehabilitation and other activities which benefit
large numbers of people in developing countries. All 3-H projects are supported
by the voluntary contributions of Rotarians through The Rotary Foundation. In
years to come the 3-H Program may well be considered Rotary's finest service
activity, showing how Rotarians care and are concerned about people in need,
wherever they may be.
Among the programs of The Rotary Foundation are the Matching Grants that assist
Rotary clubs and districts in conducting international service projects. Since
1965, more than 3,700 grants have been awarded for projects in about 135
countries with awards of more than $23 million.
A club or district must contribute an amount at least as large as that requested
from The Rotary Foundation with at least half the funds that the Foundation will
match coming from a country outside of the country where the project will take
place. Grants have been made to improve hospitals, develop school programs,
drill water wells, assist the handicapped or persons requiring special medical
attention, provide resources for orphanages, create sanitation facilities,
distribute food and medical supplies and many other forms of international
community service in needy areas of the world. Some grants are for projects in
the magnitude of from $15,000 to $50,000, but most are in the range of $5,000 to
Matching Grants are not approved to purchase land or build buildings, and they
may not be used for programs already underway or completed. Personal
participation by Rotarians is required and the benefits should extend beyond the
The Matching Grants program is a very significant part of The Rotary Foundation
and provides an important incentive for clubs to undertake worthwhile
international service projects in another part of the world. They certainly
foster goodwill and understanding, which is in keeping with the objectives of
The Rotary Foundation.
PolioPlus is Rotary's massive effort to eradicate poliomyelitis from the world
by the year 2005. It is part of a global effort to protect the children from
five other deadly diseases as well as the "plus" in PolioPlus. The program was
launched in 1985 with fund-raising as a primary focus. The original goal was to
raise $120 million. By 1988, Rotarians of the world had raised more than $219
million in cash and pledges. By 1994, the cash total exceeded $246 million!
These gifts have enabled The Rotary Foundation to make grants to provide a
five-year supply of vaccine for any developing country requesting it to protect
its children. Grants have been made to nearly 100 countries-a commitment, thus
far, of $181 million to buy vaccine and to improve vaccine quality.
Achieving eradication will be difficult (only one other disease, smallpox, has
ever been eradicated) and expensive (estimated cost to the international
community is nearly $2 billion). It will require continuing immunization of
children worldwide, and it also must include systematic reporting of all
suspected cases, community-wide vaccination to contain outbreaks of the disease,
and establishment of laboratory networks. Rotary will not be alone in all these
efforts but in partnership with national governments, the World and Pan American
Health Organizations, UNICEF and others. Rotary's "people power" gives us a
special "hands on" role. Rotarians in developing countries have given thousands
of hours and countless in-kind gifts to help eradication happen in their
No other non-governmental organization ever has made a commitment of the scale
of PolioPlus. Truly it may be considered the greatest humanitarian service the
world has ever seen. Every Rotarian can share the pride of that achievement!
A special program of The Rotary Foundation was originally labeled the "Rotary
Peace Forum". The concept of a center or educational program to promote greater
understanding and peace in the world was originally discussed in 1982 by the New
Horizons Committee and the World Understanding and Peace Committee. In 1984 it
was further explored by a New Programs Committee of The Rotary Foundation.
The essence of the Rotary Peace Program is to utilize the non-governmental but
worldwide resources of Rotary to develop educational programs around the issues
that cause conflict among nations in the world as well as those influences and
activities which promote peace, development and goodwill. The program includes
seminars, publications or conferences as a means to initiate a global dialogue
to find new approaches to peace and world understanding.
Specific Rotary Peace Programs are selected annually by the trustees of The
Rotary Foundation. Many peace programs are held in conjunction with presidential
Undoubtedly the most important step to promote voluntary giving to The Rotary
Foundation occurred in 1957, when the idea of Paul Harris Fellow recognition was
first proposed. Although the concept of making $1,000 gifts to the Foundation
was slow in developing, by the early 1970s it began to gain popularity. The
distinctive Paul Harris Fellow medallion, lapel pin and attractive certificate
have become highly respected symbols of a substantial financial commitment to
The Rotary Foundation by Rotarians and friends around the world.
The companion to the Paul Harris Fellow is the Paul Harris Sustaining Member,
which is the recognition presented to an individual who has given, or in whose
honor a gift is made, a contribution of $100, with the stated intention of
making additional contributions until $1,000 is reached. At that time the Paul
Harris Sustaining Member becomes a Paul Harris Fellow.
By 1994, more than 450,000 Paul Harris Fellows and 160,000 Sustaining Members
have been added to the rolls of The Rotary Foundation.
A special recognition pin is given to Paul Harris Fellows who make additional
gifts of $1,000 to the Foundation. The distinctive gold pin includes a blue
stone to represent each $1,000 contribution up to a total of $5,000 in
additional gifts.
Paul Harris recognition provides a very important incentive for the continuing
support needed to underwrite the many programs of The Rotary Foundation which
build goodwill and understanding in the world.
In the annual Rotary calendar several months are designated to emphasize major
programs of Rotary International.
January is Rotary Awareness Month. This is a time to expand knowledge of Rotary
and its activities among our membership and throughout the community.
February is designated as World Understanding Month. This month was chosen
because it includes the birthday of Rotary International, February 23. During
the month, Rotary clubs are urged to present programs which promote
international understanding and goodwill, as well as launch World Community
Service projects in other parts of the world.
World Rotaract Week is the week in which March 13 falls. It's a time when Rotary
clubs and districts highlight Rotaract by joining in projects with their
Rotaract clubs.
April is set aside as Rotary's Magazine Month. Throughout the month, clubs
arrange programs and activities which promote the reading and use of THE
ROTARIAN magazine and the official regional magazines of Rotary.
August is Membership and Extension Month, a time to focus on Rotary's continuing
need for growth, to seek new members and form new clubs.
September is Youth Activities Month. Rotary clubs of the world give special
emphasis to the many Rotary-sponsored programs which serve children and young
people. During this month many clubs give increased attention to youth exchange
October is Vocational Service Month. During this period, clubs highlight the
importance of the business and professional life of each Rotarian. Special
activities promote the vocational avenue of service.
November is selected to be Rotary Foundation Month. Clubs and districts call
attention to the programs of The Rotary Foundation and frequently cultivate
additional financial support for the Foundation by promoting contributions for
Paul Harris Fellows and Sustaining Members.
Each of these special months serves to elevate the awareness among Rotarians of
some of the excellent programs of service which occur within the world of
48 - About Community Service
A community, defined in its simplest terms, is a group of people who have
something in common. But in real life, it is something far more complex than
that. Each member — every individual, group, organization, and business — draws
benefits from the community in many different ways. For a community to thrive,
each of its members must honor a commitment to contribute to the well-being of
the whole by returning those benefits in kind.
Rotarians recognize the importance of giving back to the community. After all,
Community Service is one of the Four Avenues of Service. Every Rotary club and
every Rotarian assumes a responsibility to find ways to improve the quality of
life for those in their communities and to serve the public interest. When those
efforts are effective, they not only contribute to the greater good, they also
promote Rotary's positive image.
What makes a community service effort effective? Relevance. A community service
project must address a real, current community concern or issue. Rotary clubs
should start by surveying their communities to find out where help is needed.
Once a club has listened to its community, it can begin to envision effective
responses to problems.
• Were you aware that the Rotary Club of Reno, Nevada, is farther west than the
Rotary Club of Los Angeles, California?
• Would you guess that the meetings of the Rotary Club of Portland, Maine, are
farther south than those of the clubs in London, England?
• Can you imagine that the Pensacola, Florida, Rotary Club is west of the
Detroit, Michigan, club?
• It's a fact that the Cairo, Illinois, Rotary Club is south of Richmond,
• There are 69 Rotary clubs with the word "Tokyo" in their club names.
• The Rotary Club of Nome, Alaska, lies west of the club in Honolulu, Hawaii,
and the Santiago, Chile, club is located east of the Rotary Club of
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
• Rotary geographers will know that virtually every Rotary club meeting in
Australia is east of the Hong Kong Rotary Club.
• What do the Rotary clubs of Quito, Ecuador, Libreville, Gabon, Singapore, and
Kampala, Uganda, have in common? You guessed right if you said they all meet
approximately on the equator.
There are many interesting relationships and things to learn as you become
acquainted with the approximately 1.2 million Rotarians in more than 32,000
clubs in more than 200 countries and geographical areas.
![]() Rotary International | ![]() District 5450 |