Rotary eClub One, District 5450
World's 1st eClub (Jan 2002)

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Rotary on the Horizon: Rotary eClub One Community Service Grant Series

Every year, the Rotary eClub One offers its members the opportunity to apply for community service grants, larger ones with partners and smaller ones (capped at $500) to improve the quality of life of people residing in the same area as their members.  The following article about our CSGs was published in “Var Matin”, the local newspaper in Provence.


Rotary – really International, on the Horizon


Ever since 2003, the non-profit association « Horizon » offers students of all levels help with homework and other school related projects. Horizon has qualified tutors with many years of experience.


The association helps with homework, textbooks, basic learning of schoolwork at home, guided studies, Basic English and educational games.


For over 100 years, Rotary International is an organization of composed of men and women whose motto is “Service Above Self”. The tradition wants that these people meet every week around a meal to organize and plan their actions. For about a dozen years now, some Rotarians are meeting via the Internet and their actions are just as involved as before. These new clubs, about 145 of them in eight different languages are called Rotary e-Clubs. The first eClub in France started last year in Limoges.


Emmanuel Serrière, a member of the first e-Club of the world [Rotary eClub One] lives with his wife in Salernes half of the year. He is a full fledge Rotarian and visits time-to-time local clubs.  Each Rotary eClub members is offered the opportunity to request funds for a local cause. Serrière heard about the great Horizon’s plan wishing to create a computer lab to help with access to new technologies.  Some students have homework involving Internet research but yet do not have a computer or Internet connection at home. This lab will be a great tool to put all children on an even material and cultural level.


Serrière was able to secure a $500 grant and a transfer in Euros was made to Horizon’s bank account in the name of the Rotary eClub One, one of the club of District 5450, Colorado.  


  • Emmanuel Serriere is the current secretary and president-elect of Rotary eClub One

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