Sponsored by Rotary eClubOne, Dist.5450, CO USA.
Purpose: RYLA in Tamil Language to the Interact Club Members at Kodaikanal in Tamil Nadu – India, to Conduct One day RYLA Program to 60 Interact Club Members at Kodaikanal.
Rotary Club of Kodaikanal in RI Dist.3000 has been working well helping the tribal community people living on the community namely Kodaikanal Hills in Tamil Nadu State, South India. This Club has sponsored Interact Clubs in 5 Tamil Language Medium School going children from Age 13 to 18. The Club’s District 3000 has been conducting RYLA all these years in English Medium School going Interact Club Members and not a single time the said RYLA Program conducted for the benefit of the Tamil Medium School Students who are members of the Interact Clubs. Therefore this project designed with the help of eClubOne Member Isaac by The Rotary Club of Kodaikanal.
The Project:
Rotary Club of Kodaikanal Joining with Rotary eClubOne planned to organize a one-day RYLA, Rotary Youth Leadership Award program for the Rural based Tamil Medium schools. The said RYLA Program was conducted at the LE POSHE Hotel in Kodaikanal for the 60 Interact Club Members of class 11 students from 5 Schools accompanied by 8 Teachers + Rotarians. It was a one day program from morning 9.00 am to 5.00 pm.
RYLA students were trained in the aspects of goal setting, communication skills, planning and team building, leader and leadership etc...The Kodaikanal Rotary Club President, District 3000 Secretary Raja Govindasamy, the India Country level local News Paper Media Teacher and Paul Susheel, International Trainer of the Youth were leading this project’s participants of this RYLA that really enriched the Tamil Students to learn so much of good things in this one day Project. Some of the participants after the RYLA came in front and shared their feedback and it was wonderful. All participants told that they would never forget this one-day’s learning for the rest of their life. At the end of the RYLA the students were awarded a participation certificate signed by Rotary eClubOne Member Isaac and the President and RYLA Chair Rotarian Jeya Prasad.
How the Granted Amount was utilized:
The Youth Service Project Grant received from the Rotary eClub One was used for the provision of lunch, tea & snacks, Name tag ID to all participants, file, pen and notebooks for the participants to take notes of the learning of the RYLA events, honorarium to the trainers, hotel rent including the usage of the hall and sound & light system, printing of flex Banners and certificates etc.
Rotary Club of Kodaikanal's members also managed to find local sponsors who sponsored T-shirts with the printing of the two Rotary Clubs Name on it that was given to all Participants of the RYLA, to the Teachers and also to the Rotarians and Trainers.
Participation by eClubOne Member:
Isaac Arulappan, the Champion of the Project sponsored by Rotary eClubOne reached the Project venue on the 4th March itself and attended the RYLA the whole day and spoke about Rotary eClubOne and how it is functioning to one and all attended the RYLA. All were surprised and thrilled to learn about our Great Club.
Photographs of the project RYLA in Tamil language held at kodaikanal in india on 5th march 2016 organized by the rotary club of kodaikanal in partnership with rotary eclub One district 5450.
![]() Rotary International | ![]() District 5450 |