This is the third installment in our series Rotary Fellowships. In Part I, we introduced the general concepts, organization, and benefits of Rotary Fellowships. Part II covered the history of Rotary Fellowships. Along the way we introduced several fellowships of special interest to Rotarians including tennis, jazz, and amateur radio. Part III will give readers information about starting a new fellowship and introduce a few more specialized fellowships.
The official designation for Rotary Fellowships is now Global Networking Groups. The new logo (below) combines the Fellowship logo with this new designation.
So, you think you might like to start a Rotary Fellowship, or Global Networking Group, that gathers together Rotarians throughout the world who have a common? Great! What steps are involved?
First, check the list of existing fellowships to see if a currently-functioning group fits your interest. Rotary maintains this list at
Also on that page is information regarding who to contact at RI to learn about organizing a fellowship.
Members of our club, Rotary eClub One, are active in several fellowships including Amateur Radio (see Part II), Rotary on Stamps, Travel and Hosting, and Wine Appreciation.
Rotary on Stamps
These Rotarians have organized around a common philatelic interest and focus on Rotary’s commemoration on stamps throughout the world.(Our own Rotary eClub One’s 10-year anniversary is commemorated on the stamp here.)
According to the stamp enthusiasts’ website at
Over 130 nations have honored ROTARY INTERNATIONAL and the objectives and accomplishments of its million and a quarter members in more than 29,000 clubs in 160 countries by issuing more than 2,000 commemorative stamps, souvenir sheets, special cancellations, and other philatelic items.
International Travel and Hosting Fellowship
The purpose of this popular Rotary fellowship is to enrich the lives of its members by promoting and facilitating national and international connections among its members. Members are given opportunities to connect with, host, and tour with Rotarians throughout the world.The website is
Rotary’s Wine Appreciation Fellowship
The objective of the Wine Appreciation Fellowship is to share knowledge and experiences with Rotarians throughout the world. The group holds meetings annually at the International Convention and encourages local and regional gatherings.The website is
Rotary Global History Fellowship
This fellowship maintains historical information in several languages, and provides a resource for club presentations and newsletters.
Do you want to learn more about the life of Paul Harris or research the history of women in Rotary? This group’s website is the place for all things historical, including a quiz for those who think they know it all!
* Carol Lightfoot Steen is a Member and Past President of Rotary eClub One.
![]() Rotary International | ![]() District 5450 |